Monday, January 12, 2015

Language Review. Modules 1 & 2


1 1 disorientated 3 overawed
2 preoccupied 4 unnerved
2 1 narrow-minded 4 tight-fisted
2 heart-warming 5 quick-witted
3 cool-headed 6 hair-raising
3 1 e 2 d 3 a 4 b 5 c
4 1 loosely 3 widely 5 ironically
2 promptly 4 categorically
5 1 used to, as 3 will, like
2 is always, like 4 was always, like
6 1 look after them 4 to stand up to him
2 to put it on 5 had been made up
3 is being looked into 6 would think it over
7 1 had been waiting 4 vanished
2 had not turned up 5 went back
3 was contemplating 6 were

1–2 Students’ own answers
3 a job application letter
b A personal qualities
B qualifications and skills
C reason for application
D work experience
4 1 A 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 A 6 D 7 C 8 B
5 B
6 1 To find a job.
2 That he won’t get any holidays.
3 Because he thinks the fire alarm is just being tested.
4 Because he knows Edgars is the best candidate and
doesn’t want him to go to the other interview he has
arranged for the following day.
5 He will give him the address of a good lettings agency.

Audio file for exercises 5 and 6

Transcript 1.13
Boss So have you relocated to the UK?
Edgars No, I’m just here for two weeks – to try and find a job.
Then, assuming I find one, I’ll relocate.
B And, I guess you have several interviews lined up …
E Yes … well, I have this one and two others. But this job with
InterPost is the one I’d like most of the three.
B I suppose you have to say that really.
E But it’s true.
B You’ll miss Latvia though, won’t you?
E Yes, of course. But I can visit during the holidays.
B Holidays? What holidays?
E I thought … I mean, aren’t there …?
B Only kidding! You’ll start with twenty days plus national
holidays. And then, the entitlement increases by a day for every
two years that you remain with the company. How does that
E Fine.
B Good, well I think … don’t worry about that alarm, they’re
always testing it without letting us know!
B What was I going to say? Oh, yes. Well I think that covers most
of what I want to talk about. The next stage will … Can you smell
E Yes.
B I think we’d better get out of here.
E OK! Which way?
B Follow me.

B Sorry about all this. Really unfortunate. I hope it hasn’t thrown
you too much.
E Not at all.
B Good. You know, I think we’d just about finished anyway. Our
human resources department will be in touch soon. Actually, off
the record, I can say that we will definitely be offering you the
job. I’ve seen all the candidates now and you’ve got the best
experience, qualifications … basically you’re just what we’re
looking for.
E Thanks! That’s great news.
B These other interviews you’re having … have you had them
E Er … I’ve had one already. The other one is tomorrow.
B Oh, right. Well, what do you think?
E About what?
B Do you want to accept this job offer? I know we’re not doing
things quite by the book here, but it would be good for both of us
to get it all done and dusted right here and now. Don’t you agree?
E Well, I suppose so … yes.
B So, you’re accepting the job?
E Yes, I am!
B Great! Let’s shake on that!
B I bet this is the first time you’ve been offered a job in a car
park, eh, Edgars?
E Definitely!
B So, what’s your next move? Look for somewhere to live?
E Yes. While I’m here, I can start finding out about rented
B I can give you the details of a good letting agency.
E Thanks.
B Assuming my address book hasn’t been destroyed by the fire.
E It doesn’t look too bad from here. I can’t see any smoke.
7 Students’ own answers

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