Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Have your say! - "Spain drought"

From: Cris RS
Date: Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 7:38 PM

Hello everyone!
I want to talk about the droughts of Spain. This is the source of my contribution.

I have chosen the spoken version so, if interested, please listen to my clip:

Transcription, just in case it is needed because of my poor pronunciation: 

Hello everyone!
I want to talk about the droughts of Spain. This topic gets my attention because in Spain there are big problems when it comes to water supplies but, surprisingly, there are not policies which deal with it. On the contrary, we are a country that tent to waste water even when we are in a period of drought.

If you have a quick look at the website I have shared, at the very beginning you can read the following sentence referring to the most immediate changes with regards to water we are going to have as a result of climate change:

Most studies on water supply and demand conclude that annual water availability would generally increase in northern and northwestern Europe and decrease in southern and southeastern Europe.

I think these studies should be taken under consideration.

If we scroll down we can read some orientations for future actions. Most of them are addressed to the Government, but there is one that we, as citizens, can consider:
Fostering the emergence of a water-saving culture in Europe

Every day we can contribute to such purpose by saving water in our daily activities. Closing the tap when brushing your teeth and having a shower instead of having a bath are quite obvious, but we can do more. Less washing of our cars; collecting the water that runs before it is enough hot/cold and using it to water the plants or do the dishes; eating meat products which require less amount of water in its production process… There are many possibilities, be original and come up with some more or just google it and find more ideas.
Thanks for listening!

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