Thursday, November 27, 2014

Learning with a song

In the last century the way to access -to information has changed. +The Methodology -about +for teaching -of languages has introduced new resources, in order to motivate +us and +[make us] learn in +communicative -context +contexts -[of communication]. One of the main resources is Technology.
 Technology has been used in education +ever since the first teacher scratched a drawing on a rock -face +surface. What-'s +is +most interesting is how it has evolved and spread . Today +it is in the background, taken for granted.

Nowadays -[there would seem to] +[it should] be clear that new -technology +technologies -has +have -involved +[landed on] our classroom +.  Teachers must use -this +them in order to improve the way -how +[in which] the students learn. They must be able to motivate, to -create +promote/foster/advance the idea +of how important -is it +is [technologies are]. And of course, teachers would have to develop the -desire +joy of learning.

-By +[On the] other side, -It +it seems people -will +would prefer to study new content on such -[a device] +[technological devices, ]  rather than +on a traditional sheet of paper.

In this sense , there are advantages -of +[ of using / to ] a computer, a -Tablet +tablet or a phone over a paper, such as -[you could] listening -to in a crowded train or +[while/when] walking through a park. This is the +key idea: use your devices to learn English. Let +us use games, videos -, +and varied apps on your mobile phone,

As +[far as] this video is concerned, -[it shows] a particular point of view +[is shown] -about +on how you can learn phrasal verbs in a funny way +, based -in +on pictures that show real actions.

 You -could +can -look +watch, listen and repeat +, and finally LEARN.
Try -to +it.


1 comment:

Thanks for all your contributions!